Less Clutter. Less Noise.

Purging is good for the soul. Recently my family took on the monumental task of spring-cleaning. My wife’s adage is, “if you haven’t worn/used/missed it in a year, get rid of it.” For a natural-born pack rat like myself, that’s quite a challenge. Maybe I haven’t worn it in the last year but that doesn’t […]
Why Doing Good Matters

Why do we do good work? Some would say that it’s all about karma — what comes around goes around. Hey, let’s do good things for others so good things will come our way in return! Kind of like a cosmic boomerang. Others say that we have a moral obligation to leave this planet in better condition than […]
Walking with Desire Street

Desire Street Ministries was founded in pre-Katrina New Orleans in the Ninth Ward in 1990. Lead by executive director Danny Wuerffel (winner of the 1996 Heisman trophy), their passion to transform impoverished urban neighborhoods into thriving and sustainable communities has spread to Atlanta, Ga., Dallas, Tx., Lakeland, Fl., and Montgomery, Al. by partnering with local ministries. The Challenge […]
The 5 Money Personalities

According to the American Community Survey published by the US Census Bureau, there are 120.6 million married Americans, which equal fifty percent (50%) of the American population. And unfortunately, fifty percent (50%) of those married Americans will get divorced (Divorceguide.com). For Christian marriages, the statistics are just as staggering. Seventy five percent (75%) of divorced […]
Child So Dear

“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” Martin Luther There are more than 300 children victimized by the sex trade each month in Atlanta. Sixteen musicians and countless others donated their time […]